Original title: Penthouse: Dream Girls Genre: Erotic Directed by: Earl Miller, Dan O'Dowd Starring: Theresa Presley, Brandy Ledford, Robin Brown, Janine Lindemulder, Christie Joel, Christie Lee, Shawn Mussel, Lynn Johnson
Original title: Penthouse: Harlots of Hell Genre: Erotic Directed by: Nicholas Guccione Starring: Juliet Cariaga, Julia Garvey, Meil Angel, Aimee Sweet, Tera Patrick
Original title: Penthouse: Fashion Fantasies Genre: Erotic Directed by: Nicholas Guccione Starring: Julia Garvey, Nikie St. Gilles, Samantha Stewart
Description: Caught In the Act, a video that is part of the Penthouse: Euro Girls series, mixes together erotic tales with candid camera footage of people's reactions to a sexually charged storefront window. Original title: Penthouse: Eurogirls - Caught in the Act Year: 2001 Genre: Erotica
Original title: Penthouse: Euro Girls - Lust For Life Genre: Softcore Directed by: Dorien Gay Rosenthall Starring: Svetlana, Angel, Elena Nikulina, Olivia De Treville
Description: Penthouse presents for you some of the worlds most amazing women, taking you on an erotic history of the world. Adam and Eve begin the naughty action, followed by the history of
Original title: The Girls of Penthouse, Vol. 3 Genre: Erotica Directed by: Paul Nevitt Starring: Jami, Tracy, Seana, Shauna O'Brien (as Stevie), Sharon
For year, the debate has raged -- are city girls better looking than country girls? Well, the ladies from America's major urban centers certainly make a convincing case for thei
Original title: Playboy: Girls of Hooters Genre: Erotic Directed by: Norry Niven Starring: Bonnita McCourt, Renata Brazil, Kimberly Hall, Lauren Brehm, Alley Baggett, Le Toía Francis, Danielle Daine, Tanya Deshields, Jennifer Hurley, Sheila Davis, Casey Gray, Kim Williams, Maria Bologna
Original title: Girls Down Under: Surviving The Australian Outback Genre: Erotic Directed by: Gregory Alosio, Greg Vernon Starring: Erika Heynatz, Lucy Halliday, Petta Longstaff