Original title: Reality Bites Genre: Softcore, DC Comics, Parody, Supergirl, Simulated sex Directed by: Allen Wright Starring: Coco, Manny Bishop, Jackson Gory
Original title: Femalien: Starlight Saga Genre: Fantasy, Sci-fi, ComedyDirected by: Dean McKendrick Starring: Kira Noir, Erika Jordan, Christie Stevens, Christine Nguyen, Krissy Linn, Jazy Berlin, Veronica Vain, Jenna Presley
Original title: The Interview Genre: Softcore, DC Comics, Parody, Supergirl, Simulated sex Directed by: Allen Wright Starring: Coco, Rock
Original title: Uncovered 3 Genre: Softcore, DC Comics, Parody, Supergirl, Simulated sex Directed by: Allen Wright Starring: Kayla, Rock, Jesse Dean
Original title: Uncovered 2 Genre: Softcore, DC Comics, Parody, Supergirl, Simulated sex Directed by: Allen Wright Starring: Kayla, Rock, Jesse Dean
Original title: Sleeping Beauties Genre: Fantasy, Softcore Directed by: Dean McKendrick Starring: Sarah Hunter, Pristine Edge, Andrew Espinoza Long, William F. Bryant, Aria Alexander, Ted Newsom
Original title: Enthralled Genre: Softcore, DC Comics, Parody, Supergirl, Simulated sex Directed by: Allen Wright Starring: Ashley Lane, Jesse Dean
Original title: The Resonator: Miskatonic U Genre: Fantasy, Horror, Sci-Fi Directed by: William Butler Starring: Dane Oliver, Amanda Wyss, Michael Pare, Jeffrey Byron, Amanda Jones
Original title: The Challenge Genre: Softcore, DC Comics, Parody, Supergirl, Simulated sex Directed by: Allen Wright Starring: Ophelia, Rock, Jackson Gory, Oden
Original title: Deeper Genre: Softcore, DC Comics, Parody, Supergirl, Simulated sex Directed by: Allen Wright Starring: Ashley WW, Jesse Dean, Jackson Gory, Javier Lovr Tongue