
A group of sex-crazy guys pose as porno filmmakers just to audition groups of lovelies in various states of undress. Eventually, they’re pressurized into coming up with an actual movie

Original title: Naakt over de schutting Year: 1973 Genre: Thriller Director: Frans Weisz Starring: Rijk de Gooyer, Jennifer Willems, Jon Bluming

Description: A Danish reporter is assigned to San Francisco to investigate the sexual goings-on in that city and how it differs from, or is similar to, what’s going on in Copenhagen. She win

Description: This is a story of love and lust shaded with overtones of incest and lesbianism. Livia is a woman trying to regain the affections of her husband Alberto, whose journalism career takes him away for months at a time - on purpose.

Aka: St. Pauli Report Genre: Erotic, Comedy Director: Jürgen Roland, Joerg Loedeke Starring: Uwe Carstens, Horst Hesslein, Günther Jerschke, Ulli Kinalzik, Hans Putz, Rudolf Schündler, Helen Vita

Original title: Hardbodies 2 Genre: Comedy, Erotic Director: Mark Griffiths Starring: James Karen, Louise Baker, Alexandros Mylonas

Description: This adaptation of Emile Zola's novel NANA, is about the sexual liaisons of a woman who through her relationships with different men, enjoys a life of pleasure and luxury. Howev

Original title: Liebe in drei Dimensionen Genre: Erotic, Comedy Director: Walter Boos Starring: Ulrike Butz, André Eismann, Anik Ellahee, Dorit Henke, Christina Lindberg, Rosl Mayr, Achim Neumann, Hasso Preiß, Evelyn Raess, Dorothea Rau

Description: Three escaped convicts hide out on an island with four girls along with their two body guards who are enjoying there vacation... until the three escaped convects show up and kil

Aka: Intimo profondo Genre: Drama, Erotic Director: Salvatore Bugnatelli Starring: Virna Anderson, Graziella Comana, Ramiro Fasan, Roberto Fera, Alma Lo Moro, Loredana Lovatti, Riccardo Mazzarella, Tamara Rampazzi, Tiziana Savio