Original title: Sexo contra sexo Year: 1980 Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Musical, Erotic Directed by: Victor Manuel Castro Starring: Grace Renat, Amparo Munoz, Anais de Melo, Gina Leal, Alma T
Original title: Los verduleros 3 Year: 1992 Genre: Sex Comedy Directed by: Adolfo Martinez Solares Starring: Rosario Escobar, Jacaranda Alfaro, Michelle Mayer
Original title: Los verduleros 2 Year: 1987 Genre: Sex Comedy Directed by: Adolfo Martinez Solares Starring: Lina Santos, Maribel Fernandez, Yirah Aparicio,Rosalinda Espana Description: Ro
Original title: Sorry, Wrong Number Year: 1989 Genre: Thriller, Drama Directed by: Tony Wharmby Starring: Loni Anderson, Carl Weintraub, Patrick Macnee Description: Based on a famous play,
Original title: El telo y la tele Year: 1979 Genre: Comedy, Erotic Directed by: Hugo Sofovich Starring: Luisa Albinoni, Elvia Andreoli, Carmen Barbieri, Moria Casan Description: A sex congr
Original title: Bacanal en directo Year: 1979 Genre: Drama, Erotic Directed by: Miguel Madrid Starring: Azucena Hernandez, Dominique Saint Claire, Rocio Freixas, Marilyn Jess, France Lomay,
Original title: La mujer del ministro Year: 1981 Genre: Drama, Thriller, Erotic Directed by: Eloy de la Iglesia Starring: Amparo Munoz, Simon Andreu, Maria Martin, Irina Kuberskaya, Manuel T
Aka: The Countess Died of Laughter, Devils in the Convent, Leva lo diavolo tuo dal... convento Genre: Comedy, Erotic Directed by: Franz Antel Starring: Erich Padalewski, Dolores Schmidinger, Teri Tordai, Gabriele Tinti
Original title: Sunset Strip Year: 1985 Genre: Action, Crime, Drama Directed by: William Webb Starring: Tom Eplin, Miles Clayton, Richard Coca Description: The stage is set for a series of
Original title: Las paradas de los choferes Year: 1989 Genre: Sex Comedy Directed by: Angel Rodriguez Vazquez Starring: Jaquelinne Goldsmith, Patricia Alvarado, Chelo Cobo, Candelaria Domin