Original title: Due Gocce d'Acqua Salata Also known as: Blue Island, Trauminsel Year: 1982 Genre: Adventure, Drama, Romance, Erotic Directed by: Luigi Russo, Enzo Doria Starring: Sabrina Si
Also known as: Eskimo Limon, Eis am Stiel Year: 1978 Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance, Erotic Directed by: Boaz Davidson Starring: Zachi Noy, Yiftach Katzur, Jonathan Sagall
Original title: Fongaluli Genre: Erotic, Fantasy Directed by: Eduardo Cemano Starring: Persephone Black, Alvin Bojar, Eduardo Cemano, Don Crosby, Callan Emaye, Zona La Plante, Wayne Levin, Tony Reider, Susie Sunshine
Street of a Thousand Pleasures 1972 Genre: Erotic, Action, Adventure Directed by: William Rotsler Starring: Garth Ruger, Margo Mars, Sandy Jackson. Nancy Young, Terry
Genre: Comedy, Erotica Director: Mac Ahlberg Starring: Shirley Corrigan, Peter Bonke, Gaby Fuchs De
Eine Armee Gretchen / Fräuleins in Uniforms, She Devils of the SS Year: 1973 Genre: Drama, Thriller, War, Erotic Director: Erwin C. Dietrich Starring: Elisabe
Genre: Erotic, Horror Directed by: Walt Davis Starring: Cleo O'Hara, Sandra Henderson, Jane Tsentas Description: A religious fanatic murders peo
Schulmädchen-Report 7.Teil - Doch das Herz muss dabei sein 1974 Genre: Comedy, Erotic Directed by: Ernst Hofbauer Starring: Puppa Armbruster, Peter Böhlke, Ulrike Butz
Aka: The Over-Amorous Artist Genre: Comedy, Erotic Directed by: Maurice Hamblin Starring: John Hamill, Sue Longhurst, Claire Russell
Aka: Heiße Träume auf der Schulbank Directed by: Jürgen Enz (as Kenneth Howard) Starring: Biggi Stenzhorn,Christa Abel,Helen Thomas,Linda Clemens