Original title: Playboy's Hard Bodies Genre: Erotic Directed by: Lawrence Unger (as Lawrence Lanoff) Starring: Kona Carmack, Jennifer Cogan, Casey Gray, Debbie Halo, Holly Hart, Ahmo Hight, Jacqueline Lovell, Christine Lydon, Bobbie Marie, Arlene Nicole Rodriguez
Original title: Bubbles Year: 1993 Genre: Erotic Directed by: Virginia Wolf Starring: Bridgette, Ashley, Bambi, Barbi, Sidney, Bubbles
Description: The torrid love affair between a 40-year-old man who lives isolated from the world, in his small farm nearby Sao Paulo and a politically engaged 30-year-old journalist. One morn
Aka: BabeWatch, Episode 1: Lingerie Fantasies Genre: Erotic Directed by: Robert Gregory Rambo Starring: Lori Jo Hendricks, Kelly Cook, Lisa Hazlehurst, Julia Parton, Eileen Smith, Joy Ballard
Original title: Malibu Canyon Nights Genre: Erotic Directed by: Robert g. Rambo Starring: Alana, Taylor Saint Claire, Cher Willis, Sunny Wells, Sky Blue, Naomi Belovina, Cory Lane, Shyra
Original title: Bikini Watch Genre: Erotic Directed by: Gary Dean Orona Starring: Tina Ryder, Marlene, Sabrina, Christa, Janine, Maria, Pauline
Description: Let 3 beautiful maids teach you the bare facts on housekeeping. it's funny, it's sexy and it's a great way to learn some valuable tips on cleaning house. Original title: Sexy H
Original title: Lingerie Dreams Genre: Erotic Directed by: Edward Holzman Starring: Trisha Lannie, Shannon Wright, Cody Cat, Marie T. Fergusin, Debbie Colombo.
Original title: Nude Daydreams Year: 1993 Genre: Erotic Directed by: Tom Boka Starring: Kelly Cook
Original title: Fantasy Flights Genre: Erotic G Directed by: Todd Denkin Starring: Michelle Adams, Danni, Samantha, Ivy Kimberly, Tracey Ray, Brenna James, Missy Dykes, Tiffany Toyz, Natalie Bach, Cindy Rich, Christine Sclafani