Original title: The Pleasure Zone Genre: Erotic, Drama, Romance Directed by: Robert Angelo Starring: Eden Svendhl, Tess Broussard, Tamara Landry, Catalina Larranaga, Taimie Hannum, Tane McClure, Gabriella Hall
Original title: Video Centerfold - Playmate 2000 Bernaola Twins Genre: Erotica Directed by: Scott Allen Starring: Carol Bernaola, Darlene Bernaola
Description: You've seen them in magazines, you've seen them in the videos, now see what happens when we put Penthouse Pet vs. Penthouse Pet in a series of naughty games that leaves nothing
Original title: Penthouse: Ready to Ride Genre: Erotic Directed by: Matthew Ferro Starring: Julie Strain, Jean Carew, Pam Colburn, Shannon Cummings, Stephanie Dianno, Sheri Esslinger, Mimi Faillace, Monique Gabrielle, Mechelle Gagnon, Randi Jones, Janine Lindemulder
Original title: Penthouse: Dream Girls Genre: Erotic Directed by: Earl Miller, Dan O'Dowd Starring: Theresa Presley, Brandy Ledford, Robin Brown, Janine Lindemulder, Christie Joel, Christie Lee, Shawn Mussel, Lynn Johnson
Original title: Playboy: Girls of Mardi Gras Year: 1999 Genre: Erotica Directed by: Lawrence Lanoff Starring: Holly Guidry, Merritt Cabal, Cory Lane
Description: Erotic thriller about a rich couple who hires a new sailboat captain who's unbeknown to them also a drug smuggler. Original title: Unlawful Passage Year: 1994 Genre: Erotic th
Original title: The Girls of Penthouse, Vol. 3 Genre: Erotica Directed by: Paul Nevitt Starring: Jami, Tracy, Seana, Shauna O'Brien (as Stevie), Sharon
Original title: Blame It on the Vodka Genre: Comedy, Erotica Directed by: Alec Edwards Starring: David Millbern, Patrice Kertis, Wendi Westbrook, Trevor Dawns, Garro Ellis, Cie Allman, Rich Willis
For year, the debate has raged -- are city girls better looking than country girls? Well, the ladies from America's major urban centers certainly make a convincing case for thei