Genre: Erotica Directed by: Robert Kubilos (as Bob Kubilos) Starring: Lisa Saxton, Sandra Wild, Chona Jason, Samantha Phillips, Gabriella Young
Original title: Penthouse: The Wild Weekend with the Pets Genre: Softcore Directed by: Lucas Riley Starring: Veronica Sage (as Cher), Elizabeth Hilden, Levena Holmes, Gina LaMarca, Dyanna Lauren, Shandra Leigh, Sonja McDaniels, Andrea Mountjoy
Original title: Caged Heat 2: Stripped of Freedom Genre: Action, Erotic Directed by: Cirio H. Santiago Starring: Jewel Shepard, Vic Diaz, Pamella D’Pella, Susan Harvey, Akiko Hiral, Ed Crick, Vic Diaz
Original title: Island Fantasies Genre: Erotica Directed by: Kelly Roberts Starring: Debra K. Beatty, Dyanna Lauren, Julie Morrison, Monique Parent, Nikki Tyler
Molly is now a police photographer in a relationship with a DJ. Her old friend from the streets gets in touch with her. She's in town with a band and hot for the lead singer. Her friend gets
Original title: Stripping for Your Lover Genre: Erotic Directed by: Ruby Kaye Starring: Janine Lindemulder, Julia Ann, Kaylan Nicole, Rebecca Lord, Juli Ashton, Cristiana Millerr, Selena
Original title: Women: Stories of Passion Year: 1999 Genre: Drama, Romance, Erotica Directed by: Elisa M. Rothstein
Original title: In-flight Fantasies Genre: Erotica Directed by: Nick Orleans Starring: Lisa M.Throw, Taylor, Leigh Matchett, Bobby Johnston
Original title: Erotic Aquatics II Genre: Erotica Directed by: Kevin M. Glover Starring: Erin Kay, Noelle, Annette, Stevie Conrad, Selena
Original title: Nude Golf Genre: Erotica Starring: Gina Lamarca, Lexie LeBlanc, Sonya Torell, Kimber Leigh, Ana Romeo, Natalie Bach, Ria