Aka: The Over-Amorous Artist Genre: Comedy, Erotic Directed by: Maurice Hamblin Starring: John Hamill, Sue Longhurst, Claire Russell
Casanova II / The New Erotic Adventures of Casanova 2 1982 Directed by: Carlos Tobalina (as Troy Benny) Starring: John Holmes, Rhonda Jo Petty
Category:Classic Porn
Original title: The New Erotic Adventures of Casanova Also known as: Casanova I Year: 1977 Directed by: John C. Holmes Starring: John Holmes, Susan Silver, Peter Johns Description: John Rob
Category:Classic Porn
Gail Palmer's Hot Legs / Hot Legs, Vild med lange pigeben 1979 Adult, Comedy, Drama Directed by: Bob Chinn Starring: Jessie St. James, Lisa Sue Cor
Category:Classic Porn
The Altar of Lust 1971 Genre: Drama, Softcore Directed by: Roberta Findlay Starring: Erotica Lantern, Harry Reems, Suzy Mann Description: A sexually confused young wo
Bad, Bad Gang ! 1972 Genre: Adult, Crime Directed by: Donn Greer (as Jon Donne) Starring: Andy Bellamy, Rene Bond, Wayne Chapman Description: Two couples go to a camps
Aka: Voodoo Passion Genre: Crime, Drama, Erotica Directed by: Jesús Franco(as Jess Franco) Starring: Ada Tauler, Jack Taylor, Muriel Montosse, Karine Gambier, Vitor Mendes
Original title: Centrespread Genre: Drama, Sci-Fi, Erotic Directed by: Tony Paterson Starring: Kylie Foster, Paul Trahair, Mark Watson, Ivor Louis, Jack Neate, Edson Annan, Paula Carter, Colin Moglia, Carmen J. McCall, Helina McCall, Mark Bonnet, Nicci Lane, Simon Boyce, Julie Christy
Description: A cop goes after a psycho who is killing cocktail waitresses. Original title: The Swinging Barmaids Also known as: Eager Beavers, Room Service Sex Year: 1975 Genre: Crime, Dra
Description: Beautiful Noelle Page meets dashing WWII American pilot Larry Douglas in France and falls in love. She expects him to marry her, but instead Larry abandons her. In the United States, successful Catherine Alexander meets Larry Douglas and they marry.