Aka: Misty Mundae: School for Lust Genre: Horror, Erotic Directed by: Terry West Starring: Misty Mundae, Darian Caine, Barbara Joyce, Ruby Larocca
Original title: Pleasures of a Woman Genre: Drama, Short, Softcore Directed by: Ted W. Crestview Starring: Darian Caine, Syn DeVil, Julian Wells
Aka: K-Sex: Lesbians from a Different Planet Genre: Comedy, Horror, Erotic Directed by: George Freeway Starring: Darian Caine, Misty Mundae, Paige Richards, Katie Jordan, Allanah Rhodes, Syn Devil, Ruby LaRocca
Original title: Sexy American Idle Genre: Comedy, Erotic Directed by: John Paul Fedele Starring: Julian Wells, Erin Brown (Misty Mundae), Anoushka, Darian Caine, A.J. Khan
Aka: Frankenstein Sex Machine Genre: Erotica, Fantasy, Comedy Director: John Bakchus Starring: Darian Caine, Heidi Christine, Victoria Vega, Jessie Harcourt, Jade Duboir
Aka: Caress of the Vampire 3: Lust of the Nightstalker Genre: Softcore, Horror Directed by: Mario Cimadevilla Starring: Danni D'Vine, Sabrina Sidoti
Original title: Secret Desires Genre: Romance, Erotic Directed by: John Bacchus Starring: Jackie Stevens, Darian Caine, Molly Heartbreaker
Original title: Spiderbabe Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Sci-Fi, Softcore Directed by: Johnny Crash Starring: Erin Brown (as Misty Mundae), Julian Wells, Darian Caine, Ruby LaRocca, Kelli Summers (as Suzi Lorriane)
Original title: Mummy Raider Genre: Fantasy, Action, Adventure, Erotic Directed by: Brian Paulin Starring: Erin Brown (as Misty Mundae), Darian Caine, Ruby Larocca
Original title: Batbabe: The Dark Nightie Genre: Comedy, Softcore Directed by: John Bacchus Starring: Darian Caine, Robert Mandara, Molly Heartbreaker