Original title: Friend of the Family Year: 2012 Genre: Drama, Erotic Directed by: Edward Holzman Starring: Shauna O'Brien, Griffin Drew, Burke Morgan, Lisa Boyle, Will Potter, Raelyn Saalman, Alex Demir, Betsy Monroe, Michael Jay, Dennis Larios, Begue Georges, Eddie Zona, Sam Mongielo, Robert L.
Original title: Sinful Intrigue Genre: Erotic Thriller, Drama, Mystery Directed by: Edward Holzman Starring: Bobby Johnston, Becky Mullen, Mark Zuelke, Griffin Drew, Pia Reyes, Heather Ward, Lorissa McComas
Original title: Playboy: Tales of Erotic Fantasies Genre: Romance, Erotica Directed by: Steve Conte, Bob Michaels, T. Beck Starring: Tammy Parks, Ashlie Rhey, Carrie Westcott, Dawn Raiya, Griffin Drew, Gwen Somers, Roxanna Michaels, Xaviera, Deiderik Van Nassan, Sean Abbananto, Jeff Eisen
Original title: Penthouse: The Art of Massage Year: 1996 Genre: Instructional, Softcore Directed by: Nick Orleans Cast: Brittany Andrews, Griffin Drew, Monique Gabrielle, Jill Kelly, J.J. Mantia, Lorissa McComas, Bobby Johnston, Rob Lee, Vince Vouyer
Year: 1996 Genre: Drama, Erotica Production: New City Releasing, Ministry of Film Directed by: Peter Gathings Bunche Starring: Ava Fabian, Kelly Sullivan,Jennifer Jarrett, Kim Yates, Griffin
Unlike any other video, Playboy’s ground breaking Real Couples is a reality based show with a refreshingly new approach. While the program features attractive women and men cavorting in sens
Original title: Burning Desires Genre: Softcore, Drama, Mystery, Thriller Director: J. Edie Martin Starring: Kirstin Pierce, Jason Schnuit, Griffin Drew
Original title: Bikini Hoe-Down Genre: Erotic, Comedy Director: Fred Olen Ray Starring: Griffin Drew, Shayna Ryan, Ashlie Rhey
Original title: Mistress of the airwaves 2 Year: 2002 Genre: Erotic Directed by: Stephanie McLellan Starring: Frankie Donatelli, Griffin Drew, Regina Russell
Original title: Erotic Obsessions Year: 2002 Genre: Erotic, Thriller, Romance Director: Madison Monroe Starring: Griffin Drew, Collin Hughes, Flower Country: USA Duration: 01:23:12 Transla