Genre: Romance, Erotica Director: Stuart Canterbury Starring: Ethan Wayne, kathy Shower, Kehli O'Byrne, Tane McClure, Shauna O'Brien, Jeff Conaway, Michelle Bauer, Nicole Gian, David Christensen, Marcus Graham, Janine Stillo, Justin Lauer, Robert L. Newman, Lisa Comshaw
Original title: Erotic Dreams 1 Genre: Erotic Directed by: Tony Smith Starring: Julie Strain, Sherry Stone, Lisa Comshaw, Missy Alex, Betty Docker, Judy Hall
Original title: Centerfold Fantasies Genre: Erotica Directed by: Bob Scott Starring: Tawnni Cable, Lisa Comshaw, Petra Verkaik, Carrie Westcott
Original title: Nude Secretaries 2: The New Corporation Genre: Erotic Directed by: Bob Scott Starring: Francesca Lé (as Francesca Lai), Lisa Comshaw, Cathleen Raye
Original title: Erotic Boundaries Genre: Drama, Mystery, Romance, Erotic Director: Mike Sedan Starring: Kathy Shower, Timothy Dale Agee, Chris Johnston, Carolyn Renee Smith, Chanda, Lisa Comshaw
La iena aka The Hyena 1997 Genre: Romance, Thriller, Erotica Directed by: Joe D’Amato Starring: Cinzia Roccaforte, David D'Ingeo, Anna Maria Petrova, Jason S
Original title: Natural Pleasures Year: 1995 Genre: Erotica Starring: Julia Parton, Kelly Jaye (as Kelly Jackson), Lisa Comshaw, Erin O'Bryn, Lisa Christiensen, Natasha, Carrie, Janisse, Joe
Aka: Penthouse: Forum Letters Vol.1 Genre: Softcore Directed by: Suze Randall, Matthew Ferro Starring: Julie Strain, Monique Gabrielle, Emma Nixon, Lisa Comshaw, Mimi Fallace, Julie Stafford
Original title: Erotic Heat 3: Tight Moves Genre: Erotic Directed by: Dawn Diamond Starring: Alicia Kendrella, Cathleen Raymond, Amber Herrel, Jamie Lee Wilson, Charlene Laughter, Lisa Comshaw, Holly Sampson, Kelly Astin
Original title: The Pleasure Zone Genre: Erotic, Drama, Romance Directed by: Robert Angelo Starring: Eden Svendhl, Tess Broussard, Tamara Landry, Catalina Larranaga, Taimie Hannum, Tane McClure, Gabriella Hall