Original title: Penthouse: Harlots of Hell Genre: Erotic Directed by: Nicholas Guccione Starring: Juliet Cariaga, Julia Garvey, Meil Angel, Aimee Sweet, Tera Patrick
Original title: Penthouse: Fashion Fantasies Genre: Erotic Directed by: Nicholas Guccione Starring: Julia Garvey, Nikie St. Gilles, Samantha Stewart
Original title: Penthouse: Working Women Genre: Softcore Directed by: Nicholas Guccione Starring: Brooke Bradford, Chloe Jones, Samantha Stewart
Original title: Penthouse: Girls Of Penthouse 4 Genre: Erotic Directed by: Nicholas Guccione Starring: Devinn Lane, Tera Patrick, Devon, Aria Giovanni
Original title: Penthouse: Gentlemen's Club Year: 2002 Genre: Softcore Directed by: Nicholas Guccione Starring: Mercedes Lyn, Megan Mason, Suzette Spencer, Aimee Sweet, Stacy Moran
Original title: Penthouse: Dear Diary Genre: Softcore Classics Director: Nicholas Guccione Starring: Samantha Stewart
Original title: Penthouse: Pet Of The Year 2000 Winner Genre: Softcore Director: Nicholas Guccione Starring: Juliet, Aimee Sweet, Alexus Winston
Original title: Erotic Retreat Year: 2005 Genre: Erotic Production Co: MRG Entertainment Director: Nicholas Guccione Stars: Chloe, Beverly Lynne, Matt Wilde Four co-workers think they're
Original title: Penthouse: Confessions Genre: Softcore Director: Nicholas Guccione Starring: Vicca, Rocky Roads, Nikita, Lexus Locklear, Amber Herrel