Aka: Genie in a String Bikini Genre: Softcore, Comedy, Parody Directed by: Nicholas Medina (as Fred Olen Ray) Starring: Nicole Sheridan, Evan Stone, Beverly Lynne, Alexandre Boisvert
Original title: The Girl from B.I.K.I.N.I. Genre: Softcore, Comedy Directed by: Fred Olen Ray (as Nicholas Medina) Starring: Beverly Lynne, Nicole Sheridan, Rebecca Love, Gianna Lynn, Lacie Heart, Brad Bartram, Randy Spears,Evan Stone, Voodoo, Anthony Hardwood
Original title: Deadly Pickup Genre: Softcore, Thriller Directed by: Dean McKendrick Starring: Carter Cruise, Kira Noir, William F. Bryant, Sarah Hunter, Cody Deal, Jon Fleming
Original title: Sleeping Beauties Genre: Fantasy, Softcore Directed by: Dean McKendrick Starring: Sarah Hunter, Pristine Edge, Andrew Espinoza Long, William F. Bryant, Aria Alexander, Ted Newsom
Original title: Erotic Vampires of Beverly Hills Genre: Softcore, Romance Directed by: Dean McKendrick Starring: Jacqui Holland, Jazy Berlin, Cassandra Cruz, Adriana Chechik, Brandon Ruckdashel, Daniel Hunter, Sarah Hunter
Original title: Illicit Desire Genre: Thriller, Softcore Directed by: Dean McKendrick Starring: August Ames, Andrew Espinoza Long, Valerie Baber, Kira Noir, Mia Li, Karlie Montana, Madeleine Wade, Kyle Knies, Brent Harvey
Aka: Strippers from Another World Genre: Softcore, Comedy, Sci-Fi Directed by: Dean McKendrick Starring: Krissy Lynn, Erika Jordan, Sophia Bella, Christie Stevens, Tasha Reign
Original title: Voodoo Dollz Genre: Comedy, Softcore Directed by: Fred Olen Ray Starring: Christine Nguyen, Beverly Lynn, Monique Parent, Michelle Bauer, Charlie Lane, Nicole Sheridan, Voodoo, Syren, Kitty
Aka: Knock Outs Genre: Comedy, Softcore Directed by: Nicholas Juan Medina (as Fred Olen Ray) Starring: Joslyn James, Cassandra Cruz, Trish Cook
Original title: The Love Machine Genre: Softcore, Thriller Directors: Dean McKendrick Starring: Erika Jordan, Carter Cruise, Beverly Lynne, Jennifer Korbin, Pepper Xo, Justin Berti, Christine Nguyen