Original title: Loft Year: 1985 Genre: Crime, Drama, Horror, Sci-Fi, Erotic Directed by: Eckhart Schmidt Starring: Andreas Jung, Rebecca Winter, Ralph Schicha
Original title: Not Like Us Genre: Horror, Sci-Fi Directed by: Dave Payne Starring: Joanna Pacula, Peter Onorati, Annabelle Gurwitch, Clint Howard, Rainer Grant, Morgan Englund, Billy Burnette, Paul Bartel, Eb Lottimer, Alexandra Picatto, Rick Dean
Original title: Things to Come Genre: Sci-Fi, Erotica Directed by: Derek Todd Starring: Barbara Fisk, Scarlet Huey, Jim Curtis, Neil Fletcher, Byron Lord, Teresa Smith
Original title: Forbidden Science Year: 2009 Genre: Softcore, Drama, Fantasy, Mystery, Romance, Sci-Fi, Thriller Directed by: Melanie Orr Starring: Vanessa Broze, Joanne Alderson, Noelle Dubois, Levi Freeman ...
Virgin Hunters aka Test Tube Teens from the Year 2000 Year: 1994 Genre: Erotic, Comedy, Sci-Fi Directed by: David DeCoteau (as Ellen Cabot) Starring: Morgan Fairch
Original title: Escape from Pleasure Planet Genre: Softcore, Action, Comedy, Fantasy, Romance, Sci-Fi Directed by: Terrance Ryker Starring: Blair Williams, Vanessa Cage, Veronica Vain, Erika Jordan, Karlie Montana
Original title: Sexual Chemistry Genre: Softcore, Comedy, Sci-Fi Director: Mike Sedan Starring: Jeff Xander, Stephanee LaFleur, Chanda Marie
Original title: Beach Babes 2: Cave Girl Island Genre: Comedy, Sci-Fi, Softcore Director: David DeCoteau Starring: Sarah Bellomo, Tina Hollimon, Stephanie Hudson
The Curious Female / Curious Females 1970 Erotic, Comedy, Sci-Fi Directed by: Paul Rapp Starring: Angelique Pettyjohn, Charlene Jones, Bunny Alliste
Original title: Butterscotch: Over Berlin Genre: Softcore, Comedy, Sci-Fi Directed by: Hamilton Lewiston Starring: Scott Coppola, Charlie Claire, Shea Harlow, Melody Clark, Vince Cole, Anton Jarvis, Janine Steele, Lee Ann Garrett, Crystal Chacon