Aka: Virtual Girl 2: Virtual Vegas Genre: Drama, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Erotic Directed by: Richard Gabai Starring: Susan Featherly, Jason Schnuit, Amber Newman, Shyra Deland, Brad Bartram, Arthur Roberts, Richard Gabai
Original title: Secrets of Kama Sutra II: Nirvana Genre: Erotica Director: Rebecca Lord Starring: Tamara Landry, Gabriella Hall, Chloe Nicholle, Karle Boule, Brad Bartram, John St. James, Amy Richards, Shyra DeLand
Aka: Indiscretions / Obsessed with Lust Genre: Drama, Softcore Directed by: Ralph Portillo Starring: Ashley Ray, Tamara Landry, Jon Hillard, Doria Roane, Dan Frank, Lynn Wolf, Clay Randall, Joseph Barnes, JJ Gales, Thomas Campbell
Original title: Playboy: Erotic Fantasies 3 Genre: Erotica Directed by: Scott Allen, Steve Conte Starring: Jennifer Pooler, Monique Parent, Lisa Sutton, Amy Rochelle, Julie Hunter, Tamara Landry, Sean Abbananto, James Delano, Jimmy Jerman, Shannon Dow Smith
Original title: Beach Babes from Beyond Genre: Comedy, Sci-Fi, Erotic Directed by: David DeCoteau (as Ellen Cabot) Starring: Roxanne Blaze, Nicole Posey, Tamara Landry, Nikki Fritz, Angela Cornell, Elise Muller, Linnea Quigley, Jackie Stallone, Joe Estevez, Don Swayze, Joey Travolta, Burt Ward,
Original title: Beach Babes from Beyond Genre: Comedy, Sci-Fi, Erotic Directed by: David DeCoteau (as Ellen Cabot) Starring: Nicole Posey, Tamara Landry, Joe Estevez, Don Swayze, Joey Travolta, Nikki Fritz, Katie Colburn, Angela Cornell
Aka: Wicked Pleasures, Wicked Intentions Genre: Crime, Romance. Erotic Directed by: Dante Giove Starring: Syren, Belinda Gavin, Franky Stein, Burke Morgan, Maya Divine, Tamara Landry
Genre: Erotic, Drama Directed by: Howi Hoax Starring: Daniel Anderson, Jesse Coleman, Kim Dawson, Robert Donovan, Michelle Hall, Alexandra Herlan, Tamara Landry, Michelle McKinley, Sean O'Brien, Zoe Paul
Lovers Paradise Volume 3 1993 Genre: Erotic Directed by: Jennifer Anumoda Starring: Augusta Kane, Diana Cuevas, Tamara Landry, Lori Jo Hendrix, Bee Steele Descriptio
Original title: Nude Naughty California Girls Genre: Erotic Directed by: Joe Black Starring: Christin Tyler, Lori Jo Hendrix, Sunare Cornell, Heather Desaegher, Mercedes Desaegher, Tamara Landry