Original title: The Escort 3 Genre: Crime, Mystery, Erotic thriller Directed by: Jim Wynorski (as Tom Popatopolous) Starring: Julie Strain, Tane McClure, Ross Hagen, Tim Abell, Griffin Drew, Don Scribner, Samantha Phillips, Kim Sill
Original title: Lap Dancing Genre: Erotic, Drama Directed by: Mike Sedan Starring: Lorissa McComas, Tane McClure, Kim Dawson, Michael Wates, Bru Cooper, Stefan Galio, Stuart Warre
Aka: Sexual Impulse Genre: Comedy, Erotic Directed by: Gary Schmad Starring: Tane McClure, Burke Morgan, Brian Carlton
Original title: Sweetheart Murders Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery, Erotic Director: Markus Innocenti Starring: Monique Parent, David Millbern, Fred Kronenberg, Tane McClure, Gabriella Hall
Original title: Midnight Tease II Year: 1995 Genre: Erotic Thriller, Drama Directed by: Richard Styles Starring: Kimberly Kelley, Julie K. Smith, Ross Hagen, Tané McClure, Brett Baxter Clark, Griffin Drew
Original title: Bare Deception Year: 2000 Genre: Thriller, Drama, Erotica Directed by: Eric Gibson Starring: Tane McClure, Daniel Anderson, Bruce Lurie, Brad Bartram, Michelle von Flotow, Angela Grant, Stella Porter, Nenna Quiroz, Regina Russell
Original title: The Pleasure Zone Genre: Erotic, Drama, Romance Directed by: Robert Angelo Starring: Eden Svendhl, Tess Broussard, Tamara Landry, Catalina Larranaga, Taimie Hannum, Tane McClure, Gabriella Hall
Kate and Sharon kill a man in self defense and are framed by the justice system. They are put in prison and forced into prostitution. With the help of their defense attorney, they devise
Harold 'Ace' Frazer, Monique Parent, Tane McClure. Erotic thriller. The plot is somewhat confusing, but there's no way to deny that this movie keeps
Original title: Night Shade Genre: Softcore, Horror Director: Fred Olen Ray Starring: Tim Abell, Teresa Politi, Tane McClure