Original title: Chaos.TV Genre: Erotic Directed by: Gary Whitson Starring: Tina Krause, Debbie D
Original title: The Sex Merchants Genre: Drama, Erotic Directed by: John Niflheim Starring: Mr. Dead, Tina Krause, Sylvana Mastroli, Lavender Rayne, Tyrone L. Roosevelt, Jackie Stevens, Art Vandelay
Original title: Poetic Seduction: The Dead Students Society Genre: Horror, Erotic Directed by: Pete Jacelone Starring: Jasi Cotton Lanier, Tina Krause, Erin Brown
Genre: Softcore, Horror Directed by: Jeffrey Arsenault Starring: Lev Gorn, Roberta Orlandi, Tina Krause
Original title: TITanic 2000: Vampire of the Titanic Genre: Comedy, Fantasy, Horror, Erotica Directed by: John Paul Fedele (as John P. Fedele) Starring: Tammy Parks, John P. Fedele, Michael R. Thomas, Tina Krause
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Romance, Erotic Director: John Bacchus Starring: Tina Krause, Paige Turner, Kiki Michaels
Genre: Erotic, Horror Directed by: Donald Farmer Starring: Misty Mundae, Tina Krause, William Hellfire, Christophe Bier, Fanny Terjeki
Original title: Vampire Vixens Genre: Erotica, Comedy, Fantasy, Horror Directed by: John Bacchus Starring: Tina Krause, A.J. Khan, Misty Mundae
Original title: Shoot the Girls Genre: Erotic, Horror Directors: Pete Jacelone, Donald Smith Starring: Tina Krause, Erin Brown (as Misty Mundae), Yioti Florida
Original title: When Death Calls Genre: Horror Director: Jim Haggerty Starring: Suzi Lorraine, Tina Krause, Nathalie Bryant