Original title: Hindsight Genre: Drama, Erotic Directed by: John T. Bone Starring: Ken Steadman, Cyndi Pass, Kathy Shower, John Phillip Law, Robert Forster, Tuesday Knight, Rod McCary, Corbin Timbrook, Lorissa McComas, De'Ann Power, Joycelyne Lew, Ron Robbins, Ron Jeremy, Sheila Redgate
Aka: Emanuelle et les filles de Madame Claude / Emanuelle and the White Slave Trade Genre: Drama, Erotic Directed by: Joe D'Amato Starring: Laura Gemser, Ely Galleani, Gabriele Tinti
Aka: Teenage Lesbian Maids Genre: Softcore Directed by: Richard Duke Starring: Kim May Ly, Nadine Southgate, Janet Brow
Aka: Libertine / Constance - uddrag fra en ung piges dagbog Genre: Feature, All Sex Directed by: Knud Vesterskov Starring: Christiane Bjorg Nielsen, Anais, Katja Kean, Niels Dencker, Mark Duran
Category:Classic Porn
Original title: Jenna's Built For Speed Genre: Lesbian Directed by: Brad Armstrong Starring: Jenna Jameson, Brittany Andrews, Felecia, Jill Kelly, Melissa Hill, Missy, Nadia Moore, Serenity, Shayla LaVeaux
Category:Classic Porn
Original title: Hell on Heels Genre: Lesbian, Sex Toys, Latex, Stockings Directed by: Brad Armstrong Starring: Jenna Jameson, Nikki Tyler, Stephanie Swift, Felecia, Asia Carrera, Shayla LaVeaux, Sydnee Steele, Emily Jewel, Sterling
Category:Classic Porn
Original title: Stockings and Lace Genre: Lesbo Directed by: Aven Dawson Starring: Sandra Shine, Eve Angel, Nicole Sweet, Nesty, Colette, Vera Versany (credited as Dana Kelly), Cindy Hope, Lexi Lowe, Alexa Candy
Category:Newage Porn
Original title: High Society Centerspread Video 7 Genre: Erotic Starring: Nina Hartley, Britt Morgan
Aka: Les pulpeuses / Love Me My Way Genre: Drama, Thriller, Erotic Directed by: Theodore Gershuny Starring: George Shannon, Mary WoronLynn Lowry, Monique van Vooren, Maureen Byrnes, Daniel Sadur, Ondine, Jennifer Welles, Anthony Pompei
Aka: Three Days of Love Genre: Drama, Erotic Directed by: Pasquale Fanetti (as Frank De Niro) Starring: Petra Scharbach, Monika Rak, Carlo Mucari, Mario Ferracuti