Original title: Vampire Obsession Genre: Erotica, Fantasy, Horror Directed by: John Bacchus Starring: Anoushka, Jade Duboir, Darian Caine
Aka: Cosmic Cover Girls Genre: Softcore, Comedy, Sci-Fi Directed by: Terrance Ryker (as Terrence Ryken) Cast: August Ames, Carter Cruise, Veronica Vain
Original title: Les confidences de Sandra / Sensuous Doll Year: 1973 Genre: Softcore Directed by: Jean-Claude Roy (as Patrick Aubin) Starring: Marielle Ollivier, Agatha Dialetis, Daniel Guil
Original title: Rotkäppchen: The Blood of Red Riding Hood Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Horror, Erotic Director: Harry Sparks Starring: Stefanie Geils, Sativa Verte, Nicole Leigh Vuono
Description: A Danish reporter is assigned to San Francisco to investigate the sexual goings-on in that city and how it differs from, or is similar to, what’s going on in Copenhagen. She win
Description: Charged with the murder of her fiancé, seductive novelist Catherine faces questioning from Scotland Yard-appointed psychiatrist Michael Glass, who has the training to withstand
Description: Michael Douglas stars as Nick Curran, a tough but vulnerable detective. Sharon Stone co-stars as Catherine Tramell, a cold, calculating and beautiful novelist with an insatiable
Description: Hot Blood Sundae is a horror comedy about an ice cream store and it's sexy employees. It becomes apparent that someone doesn't like the shop's success when one employee is found murdered in the freezer. The killings continue as the customers find something extra in their ice cream.
Original title: Penthouse: Dear Diary Genre: Softcore Classics Director: Nicholas Guccione Starring: Samantha Stewart
Description: Before leaving for college, a recently dumped goth girl's life changes forever when she falls in love with a smart and professional college grad who is staying in the family's g