Original title: Scumbag Hustler Genre: Sex Comedy Directors: Sean Weathers, Aswad Issa Starring: Delven Adams, Sammy Bassey, Chrystal Claire
Original title: Mädchen, die nach München kommen Year: 1972 Genre: Erotica, Comedy Production: Rapid Film Director: Walter Boos Starring: Karin Götz, Ulrike Butz, Dorit Henke Details: Coun
Original title: Die goldene Banane von Bad Porno Year: 1971 Genre: Erotica, Comedy Directed by: Ralf Gregan Starring: Gerd Duwner, Siegfried Zügel, Christie Ericsson
Original title: Hollywood Hot Tubs 2: Educating Crystal Genre: Comedy Director: Kenneth Raich Starring: Jewel Shepard, Remy O’Neill, David Tiefen, Patrick Day, Bart Braverman, J.P. Bumstead
Original title: Malibu Spring Break Genre: Comedy, Erotic Director: Kevin Lewis Starring: Charity Rahmer, Kristin Novak, Pilar M. Lastra, Sara Michelle Ben Av, Jilon VanOver, Brian Kolodziej, Jasen Wade
Original title: Love-Hotel in Tirol Genre: Erotica, Comedy Directed by: Franz Antel Starring: Erich Padalewski, Teri Tordai, Fritz Muliar, Ida Krottendorf, Chris Lohner, Heinz Reincke, Rolf Olsen, Anna Marcella, Marianne Haas, Marte Harell
Original title: Buford’s Beach Bunnies Genre: Comedy Director: Mark Pirro Starring: Jim Hanks, Rikki Brando, Monique Parent, Suzanne Ager, Barrett Cooper
Assmonster: The Making of a Horror Movie 2006 Genre: Erotic, Comedy Production: Bill.Zebub Productions Director: Bill Zebub Starring: Bill.Zebub, Frederic W. Barnes, E
Original title: The Insatiable IronBabe Genre: Erotica, Comedy Directed by: John Bacchus Starring: Jackie Stevens, Darian Caine, Sativa Verte
Aka: Joy of Flying Genre: Erotica, Comedy Director: Franz Josef Gottlieb (as F.J. Gottlieb) Starring: Corinne Brodbeck, Gianni Garko, Olivia Pascal