Original title: Secret Heat Genre: Erotic Directed by: Perry Tong, David Lockard Starring: Tasha Phoenix, Phillip Bloomberg, Lisa Butuad, Dee Roberts, Rita LaMont, Julie Black, Lisa McClain, Shawna Rener, Kelly Wilde, Lori DeLinde, Ricki Dee
Original title: Passion and Romance: Double or Nothing Year: 1997 Genre: Drama, Erotic Directed by: Antonia Keeler Starring: Tracie May, Robert Donavan, Gabriella Hall, Chris St. James, John McQuay
Aka: Emmanuelle in Venice, Emmanuelle in Venedig Genre: Erotica, Drama, Romance Directed by: Francis Leroi (as Francis Leroy) Starring: Marcela Walerstein, George Lazenby, Sylvia Kristel, Joel Bui
Aka: Fantasmes a Hollywood Genre: Romance, Erotic Directed by: Kelley Cauthen Starring: Robert Allen, Tracy Ryan, Zay Harding, Teanara Kai, Catalina Martone, Marklen Kennedy, Kelli McCarty
Aka: The Other Woman, Blonde Muschi sucht steifen Schwanz, My Swedish Aunt Genre: Erotica, Comedy Directed by: Mario Siciliano Starring: Marina Hedman (as Marina Frajese), Giovanni Tamberi, Laura Levi
Description: In Zeiten, wo Frauen ihren „Mann“ in der Arbeitswelt stehen, kommt es natürlich auch zu Begegnungen mit Männern, die über die normale kollegiale Beziehung hinausgehen. Dass es d
Also known as: Point of Seduction: Body Chemistry III Year: 1994 Genre: Drama, Erotic thriller Production: Concorde-New Horizons Directed by: Jim Wynorski Starring: Andrew Stevens, Morgan Fairchild, Robert Forster, Chick Vennera, Stella Stevens,
Description: Luca, avventuriero della finanza, ha un guaio di diversi miliardi. Va a Rio in cerca dell'aiuto di un amico, ma invece di trovarlo conosce una bella ragazza con la quale instaur
Description: Shot in sumptuous settings with the greatest international stars of X, is the finest porn a refined man could ever want. The undisputed master of hard thrillers directs this film and sex, Mario Salieri, is an event that is not to be missed. Dream chateaux, luxurious cars, and the
Category:Classic Porn
Mike Gallagher is one of Los Angeles' top cops, who is acting head of Hollywood's homicide division. But Gallagher is soon wrenched out of his orderly existence into a dirty wor