Original title: Dinosaur Island Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Erotic Directed by: Fred Olen Ray, Jim Wynorski Starring: Ross Hagen, Richard Gabai, Antonia Dorian, Griffin Drew, Michelle Bauer, Peter Spellos, Tom Shell, Steve Barkett, Toni Naples, Bob Sheridan, Nikki Fritz, Becky LeBeau
Original title: Attack of the 60 Foot Centerfolds Genre: Comedy, Fantasy, Erotic Directed by: Fred Olen Ray Starring: JJ North, Ted Monte, Raelyn Saalman, Tammy Parks, Tim Abell, Jay Richardson, John Lazar, Michelle Bauer, George Stover, Nikki Fritz
Original title: Sinful Obsession Genre: Drama, Erotic Directed by: Eric Gibson Starring: Nikki Fritz, Burke Morgan, Dana Robbins
Original title: Fast Lane to Malibu Genre: Romance, Erotic Directed by: Kelley Cauthen Starring: Tracy Ryan, Steve Curtis, Renee Rea, Stephen Harvard, Kira Reed Lorsch, Nikki Fritz, Regina Hall, Elizabeth Sneider
Original title: Intimate Sessions Genre: Erotic, Comedy, Drama Director: Marilyn Vance Starring: Jami Bassman, Alan Foster, Nikki Fritz...
Aka: Strip for Action / Hard Run Genre: Action Director: Lev L. Spiro (as L.L. Shapira) Starring: Maria Ford, Emile Levisetti, Kevin Contreras, Nikki Fritz
Aka: Hidden Beauties: The Awakening / Verhexte Luder Genre: Fantasy, Softcore Directed by: Dan Golden Starring: Michelle von Flotow, Nikki Fritz, Catalina Larranaga, Kirk Enochs, Janet Tracy Keijser, David Usher
Original title: Secret Pleasures Genre: Drama, Romance, Erotic Directed by: Michael Paul Girard (as Michael Girard) Starring: Kim Yates, Rick Majeske, Nikki Fritz, Everett Rodd, Ahmo Hight, Michelle von Flotow
Original title: Radio Erotica Genre: Drama, Softcore Directed by: Stephanie McLellan Starring: Griffin Drew, Amy Lindsay, Everett Rodd, Charlene Blaine, Nikki Fritz
Original title: Beach Babes from Beyond Genre: Comedy, Sci-Fi, Erotic Directed by: David DeCoteau (as Ellen Cabot) Starring: Roxanne Blaze, Nicole Posey, Tamara Landry, Nikki Fritz, Angela Cornell, Elise Muller, Linnea Quigley, Jackie Stallone, Joe Estevez, Don Swayze, Joey Travolta, Burt Ward,